Furkan Doğan
4 min readMay 7, 2024

Can protests stop zionist anger?

The whole world has been following the genocide in Palestine since October 7. Israel is bombing Palestinian lands with all its might. In the war that started after Hamas attacked Israel, Israel has massacred thousands of civilians with its extremely aggressive and incompatible attitude. Even though the war started with the attacks of Hamas (I am not defending any side of the war in this article, I am only thinking of civilians and children), Israel carried out attacks that violated human rights in many respects. The Israeli government and Netanyahu have repeatedly said that they want to terrorize Palestinian lands with all their might, and they continue to do so. Thousands of innocent Palestinians died and thousands were left homeless and struggling to survive under difficult conditions. Not only Palestinians are victims of this war, but also thousands of Israeli citizens want this war to stop as soon as possible. Thousands of protesters in Israel, who believe that the Israeli government is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, have been protesting against the Israeli government for months. Israeli forces aim to disperse the protests by using disproportionate force not only against the Palestinians but also against them, but they fail in this regard. In many parts of the world, people who think Israel is committing genocide shout out that they are in solidarity with Palestinian innocents. The latest protests that started in some universities in the USA have been on the world’s agenda and brought some questions to mind: can protests stop the Zionist anger? Can protests bring lasting peace in Palestine?

The protests in Israel have grown considerably recently. Israelis, disturbed by the government's genocide in Palestine, are protesting the Netanyahu administration. These protests continue in the capital and many other cities. These protests do not only continue in Israel and other countries in the region; students at many universities in the USA are harshly protesting Israel's actions.

Anti-Israel protests, which started in Colombia, one of the most important universities in the USA, on April 17, 2024, spread to 140 universities in approximately 45 states. With the pressure of the Israeli government, police forces intervene harshly against the protesters, but the activists do not give up and insist on wanting peace for Palestine. The Israeli government, which had difficulty in the face of protests, tried to create a space for itself by declaring students in the USA anti-Semitic, but we cannot say that it was successful. Netanyahu: “Anti-Semitic gangs took over prestigious universities. He continues this propaganda by saying "They are attacking Jewish students." The whole world knows that stopping the genocide in Palestine is not an anti-Semitic action, on the contrary, it is an anti-fascist and peaceful action. Of course, the genocide that took place in the Palestinian territories cannot be blamed on the entire Jewish community. Many Jews have proven that they are in favor of peace and humanity by protesting Netanyahu and Israel these days. I’m sure that some of the students protesting in the USA today are also of Jewish origin.

So can protests stop genocide? I think the only way for this war to end is for the Netanyahu government in Israel to fall and a new government to be formed in Israel. This is exactly the biggest reason for the harsh response to the protests in Israel. The developed world states are reluctant on this issue and, on top of that, they find Israel right, and almost all global organizations support Israel. Even the Islamic world did not react harshly to the genocide in Palestine.

In this case, what will stop the Netanyahu administration? That's why the protests in the USA and Israel are of very, very critical importance. The Netanyahu administration did not anticipate that they would encounter such a strong protest in the USA, and they were put in a difficult situation by the US government's indifference to the protests. The students' demand for peace and the actions of peacekeepers in Israel seem to be the only reasonable way to end the genocide in Palestine. Even if all that happened was not enough to end the genocide, we can say that it at least put the Netanyahu administration in a difficult situation. If the protests continue to grow like this, I think they may have the power to end the war and genocide.

The whole world is witnessing the genocide in Palestine but cannot say stop. It is the duty of all the people of the world to repeat the urgent demand for peace for Palestine and to stop the genocide. Every action taken by Israel is inhumane, unlawful and terrorism. I will never get tired of saying it over and over again. Long live peace, long live free Palestine.

Furkan Doğan

Student of PSIR, Writer mostly Football and Politics and sometimes other things, Based on Istanbul, Turkish, English and a bit Spanish Anti-fascist, Freedom.