On American Perception in Türkiye Historically — Part II (1950–1960)
Years when the main lines of the perception of America in Turkey changed radically. With the pro-US political moves of the Democratic Party, which started to govern the country with the 1950 elections, a new phase began between Turkey and the USA. Along with the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan, Türkiye-US relations were mainly maintained in the field of economy. The 27-year rule of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) ended in the general elections held in Turkey on May 14, 1950. The Democratic Party (DP) won the election by a large margin. The US press announced the results as a pleasing development for democracy because someone who got along well with them and was obedient came to power. With the DP coming to power, Celal Bayar became the President and Adnan Menderes became the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Menderes announced that he determined the development of existing relations with the USA, which provided significant support to Turkey with the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid, as his main foreign policy goal. He aimed for good relations not only with the USA but also with the USA’s allies. Taking part in NATO and bringing Turkey into the western bloc were Adnan Menderes’ main goals, and he achieved this. First, an agreement was reached to join NATO by sending troops to Korea. Turkey participated in the war with a force of 24,882 people and lost 885 martyrs. In fact, Turkey made its first application for NATO membership on May 11, 1950, when the previous government, that is, the CHP, was in power. After this application, which was supported only by Italy, the second application was made on August 1, 1950, with the DP coming to power and the changing foreign policy. Following this application made during the DP period, a close diplomacy was initiated with the USA. Turkey’s admission to the union was ultimately achieved, even though it went through some diplomatic stages. It was obvious that it would happen because the owner of the pact was the USA and the USA described Turkey as the strongest anti-communist country around the USSR and the only country that could resist a possible USSR attack in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. Türkiye was crowded and had a young and dynamic population, which can be shown as quite sufficient qualifications for the USA.
The economic aid(!) grants and support packages provided by the USA, one after the other, have radically changed the perception of the USA in the country. US products were now more easily accessible, US-style lifestyle propaganda was being made, and US brands were being sold in markets and grocery stores. The US-style lifestyle was being introduced to the Turkish people, and all these factors played with the public’s perceptions and positively affected their thoughts towards the US. In particular, a perception was created that the USA contributed to world peace, and perspectives towards the USA around the world had a positive effect,

American films, music and cultural influences built this influence. The fact that the USA is seen as an example of modernization and development has created a positive perception of the USA, especially among young people and urban segments. The technological and economic advances of the USA were accepted as a model for Turkey’s development. Until then, the USA had not committed any war crimes, had not occupied a place, and was fighting for peace (!) The times when this situation would be understood differently were not far away.

We can say that in the following years of the Adnan Menderes government, relations with the USA evolved into a more critical dimension and events occurred that prove that there were anti-Americanists in the country. The DP government strengthened military cooperation with the USA in order to increase Turkey’s defense capacity and ensure security against the Soviet threat. The establishment of US military bases in Turkey and the receipt of military aid and the DP’s pro-US policy have led to some debates and criticisms in domestic politics. Opposition parties and some groups criticized DP’s close relations with the USA and argued that Turkey’s political independence was in danger. These anti-American individuals and institutions in Turkey would later grow, organize and take their place in Turkish political history. To briefly summarize this section: The Democratic Party’s integration policies with the West were an important factor that accelerated this process. The spread of American culture and consumption habits to Turkey has significantly affected the daily life and consumption preferences of the Turkish people. The Fulbright Program, which began in 1949, encouraged cultural exchange programs between Turkish and American students, scholars, and professionals. This program strengthened educational and cultural relations between the two countries.

Between 1950 and 1960, Türkiye-US relations developed within the framework of mutual security interests, economic aid and cultural interactions. During this period, Türkiye, as an important member of the Western bloc, established a strong and strategic cooperation with the USA. NATO membership, military and economic aid, and cultural exchange programs have formed the cornerstones of relations between the two countries. However, some tensions experienced during this period, especially the Cyprus Problem, occasionally led to difficulties in relations. In general, this period stands out as a period in which cooperation and mutual interests are at the forefront in Turkey-US relations.